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Readings for sermonizers (and pew-sitters).


James Limburg, Psalms

Jason Micheli, A Quid without Any Quo

Ken Sundet Jones, A Lutheran Toolkit



Bo Giertz, "With All Boldness," from Then Fell the Lord's Fire: New Life in Ministry

Johanna Hartelius and Jason Micheli, "‘The Living Word Has Its Way with You’: The Apocalyptic Homiletics of Rev. Fleming Rutledge"

Ken Sundet Jones,"Theses on Preaching the Gospel

Ann Lamott, "Shitty First Drafts," from Bird by Bird

Martin Luther, "Sermon on Two Kinds of Righteousness"

Jason Micheli, "Predestination is Not Speculative; It Is Spoken"​​

Gerhard O. Forde, unpublished excerpt from Taking the World by Surprise


Recommended reading on the Psalms.

James L. Mays, Psalms: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl N. Jacobson, Invitation to the Psalms

Rolf A. Jacobson, etal., The Book of Psalms (New International Commentary on the Old Testament

C.S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms

The Bible Project videos and resources on the Psalms


Seasonal preaching.

Preaching in Epiphany

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