2024-2025 calendar.
Note: this calendar is tentative
Module 1
September 22
Mentor planning/training
September 23
Preaching slam
September 23-25
In-person gathering in Des Moines
Module 2
October 9
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Speaker: Julie Smith, Lutheran Congregations in Mission with Christ
Topic: Preaching the Law
October 15
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of October 20
Small group Zoom meetings
October 29
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on lament psalms
Module 3
November 13
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Speaker: Hans Wiersma, Augsburg University
Topic: Bondage of the Will
November 12
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of November 17
Small group Zoom meetings
Week of November 24
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on trust psalms
Module 4
December 4
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Speaker: Kristin Wiersma, Focus Consulting MSP
Topic: Complexity Science as a Way to Understand Preaching
December 10
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of December 15
Small group Zoom meetings
Week of December 24
No sermon feedback
January 2025
January 14
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on imprecatory psalms
January 20-21
In-person gathering in Corona del Mar, California​
Speaker: David Zahl, Mockingbird Ministries
Topic: Every Encounter Is a Preaching Opportunity
Speaker: Jacob Smith, Calvary-St. George's Parish, New York
Topic: The Care and Feeding of the Preacher
Module 5
February 5
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Topic: Picking the brain of the Preacher in Residence
Week of February 9
Small group Zoom meetings
Week of February 16
Guide check-in with individual fellows
February 26
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Speaker: Dr. Johanna Hartelius, University of Texas at Austin
Topic: The rhetoric of preaching
Note: Sermon feedback and all-cohort Zoom meeting are switched due to Ash Wednesday
Module 6
Week of March 2
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on ascent psalms
Week of March 9
Small group Zoom meetings
Week of March 16
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of March 23
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on royal psalms
Module 7
March 26
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Week of April 6
Small group Zoom meetings
April 13-19
Holy Week: no Project activities
April 20
Deliver the goods: it's Easter Sunday indeed!
Week of April 20
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of April 27
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers feedback on covenant and salvation history psalms
Module 8
May 1
Applications for 2025-2026 cohort open
May 1-3
Mockingbird New York City event*
May 7
All-cohort Zoom meeting
Week of May 11
Small group Zoom meetings
Week of May 18
Guide check-in with individual fellows
Week of May 27
Congregational sermon feedback
Sermon whisperers sermon feedback on praise psalms
June 2025
June 9-11
In-person celebration gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia
*Partner event separate from Iowa Preachers Project activities